Salted CX Privacy Policy

Version 1.0, last updated November 30, 2023

In this Privacy Policy ("Policy"), when we mention "Salted,"We,"Us," or "Our," We are referring to Salted a.s., a company with its registered address at Antala Staška 1859/34, Krč, 140 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic, ID No 17327008, registered with the commercial register at the Municipal Court in Prague under the file No B 27458. This Policy governs the way Salted handles personal data collected in connection with Your use of Salted services, the website ("Website") and other products or services that Salted operates and in which Salted posts a direct link to this Policy (each a "Salted Site" or "Our Site").

For purposes of this Policy, "You," "Yourself" and "Your" refers to users of Salted Site.

We acknowledge that Your privacy is a matter of great importance to You and that You are concerned about how Your data are utilized and shared online. We hold in high regard and respect the privacy of all users of Our services and visitors to Our Site and We will exclusively gather and employ data in a manner that is beneficial to You, and in compliance with Your rights and Our legal obligations.

Please read this Policy carefully and ensure that You understand it. If You have any questions regarding this Policy, the practices of Salted Site or Your dealings with this Website, You may contact Us at

1. Introduction

This Policy applies to Our Processing of Your data when You access and/or use Our Site, with Us acting as data controllers.

This Policy would apply to You as a visitor, end-user, representative, end-customer, as applicable (each a "User"). This Policy applies only to Your use of Our Site and does not extend to any websites linked to from Our Site, whether these links are provided by Us or shared by other Users. We lack authority over the collection, storage, or utilization of Your data by other websites. We strongly recommend that You review the privacy policies of such external websites before sharing any information with them. For purposes of this Policy "personal data" or only "data" means information about an identified or identifiable natural person or which otherwise constitutes "personal data," "personal information," "personally identifiable information" or similar terms as defined in relevant data protection laws. The data We collect through Our Site will only be used for the purposes outlined in this Policy.

2. Data We Collect

We may collect personal information from Users of Our Sites through various means. These methods include, but are not restricted to, when You visit Our Website, use Our services, subscribe to Our newsletter, complete a form, or participate in other activities, services, features, or resources that We offer on Our Site. Depending on the situation, Users may be requested to provide details such as their name, email address, mailing address, or phone number. Apart from situations where the User actively decides to provide Us with their personal information, We may also collect Users' "digital fingerprint" information. This information may include details such as the browser name, computer type, and technical data related to how Users connect to Our site, such as the operating system and internet service providers used, along with other relevant information. If You want to minimize the collection of data about Yourself while browsing Our Website, You can use the privacy mode in Your browser. Different browsers have this feature named differently. (For example: Google Chrome: Incognito mode; Mozilla Firefox: Private Browsing; Microsoft Edge: InPrivate Browsing; Safari: Private Browsing.) When using this browsing mode, the browser does not store browsing history, any cookies, or other data related to Your web activity beyond the duration of the session. However, it's important to be aware that even in privacy mode certain parts of Your digital fingerprints may still be gathered.

3. How We Use The Data

We will exclusively use Your personal information in accordance with the guidelines outlined in this Policy, and We will process Your personal information only when a legal basis exists for doing so. Your personal information may be used in the following manners:

(a) To respond to Your communications.

(b) To conduct market research.

(c) To analyze Your interactions with Our Site.

(d) To ensure and implement proper and secure authentication into our services.

(e) To gather feedback, facilitating ongoing enhancements to Our Site and Your user experience.

(f) To tailor Your preferences to enhance Your experience on Our Site.

(g) To process HR agenda (job-applications, referrals etc.).

(h) To carry out Our marketing purposes. (This includes potentially contacting You via email, phone, text message, postal mail, and web push notifications to provide information, updates, and offers related to Our services. Rest assured, We will not engage in spamming, and We will take all necessary measures to ensure Our compliance with relevant laws.)

4. How Long We Keep The Data

Salted will retain the personal information it has collected when it is essential for legitimate ongoing business needs, which include purposes like legal proceedings or defense, fulfilling legal requirements, preserving precise financial records, settling disputes, and upholding Our agreements. If there is no longer a necessity to retain Your personal information as outlined here, We will either delete or anonymize Your personal information. In cases where deletion is not immediately feasible, We will securely store Your personal information and keep it isolated from any additional processing until it becomes possible to delete it. In case You use Our services, We will retain the relevant personal information as long as Your account is active, unless we require longer retention due to the aforementioned legitimate business needs.

5. Disclosure of the Data

We may aggregate statistics related to the usage of Our Site, covering aspects like traffic, usage patterns, user numbers, sales, and more. All such data will be anonymized, excluding any personally identifying information, and may be shared with third parties such as potential investors, affiliates, partners, and advertisers.

Under specific legal circumstances, We may be obligated to share certain data, including Your personal information, as required by legal proceedings, court orders, legislation, or governmental authorities. In such cases, no additional consent from You is necessary, and We will comply with any legally binding requests.

We may engage third parties to provide products and services for Us and/on Our behalf, such as consultants, data analytics, payment processing, technical support or fraud prevention. In such instances, these third parties may require access to some or all of Your data. We will take reasonable steps to ensure the secure and lawful handling of Your data in accordance with Your rights and legal obligations.

In the event of a merger or acquisition, Your personal information may be shared as part of the assets transferred to another company.

6. Security

Safeguarding Your personal information is of utmost importance to Us. We employ reasonably suitable administrative, physical, technical and organizational measures to secure the personal information We collect and process. These measures are tailored to ensure a level of security commensurate with the risk associated with processing Your personal information. If You have any inquiries regarding the security of Your personal information, please reach out to Us using the contact information provided in this Policy.

Despite the precautions We take, it is crucial to acknowledge that the transmission of data over the internet may not be entirely secure. We recommend taking appropriate precautions when transmitting data to Us via the internet.

7. Rights and Options Available To You

You have the choice to decline promotional communications, delete Your personal data from Our database, raise objections to Our processing of Your personal data, withdraw Your personal data from forums or testimonials, unsubscribe from communications related to Our products or services. To do so, simply contact Us at There may be instances where We cannot remove Your personal data; if this occurs, We will inform You of the reasons for Our inability to do so.

Upon Your request and verification of Your identity, Salted will provide You with details about the personal data We have gathered from You, whether We possess or process Your personal data on behalf of a third party. You retain the right to get in touch with Us for rectifying, modifying, or deleting Your personal data. To initiate such a request or address any inquiries related to this Policy, please reach out to Us at Requests to access, alter, or erase personal data submitted to Salted will be attended to within 30 days or earlier if stipulated by applicable laws or regulations.

There may be instances where We cannot grant access to specific personal data. Should Your access request be declined, We will inform You in writing, document the reasons for refusal, and communicate further steps available to You. In cases where a dispute regarding the accuracy of personal data persists unresolved to Your satisfaction, We will annotate the personal data under Our control with a note indicating that a correction was requested but not implemented.

8. Cookies And Similar Technologies

The default setting for most browsers is to accept cookies. You can modify Your browser settings to reject or delete cookies, following the guidelines outlined in Our Cookie Policy:

9. International Transfer

Your personal information and files including their backups are stored on Our servers and the servers of companies We hire to provide services to Us. Your personal information may be transferred across national borders because We have servers located in the United States of America, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands and the companies We hire to help Us run Our business may be located in different countries around the world.

The data collected from You may be transferred to and housed in a country beyond the European Economic Area (EEA, i.e., European Union Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway). It could also be processed by personnel operating outside the EEA, either within Our organization or among Our partners. If You are an EEA resident and Your personal information undergoes processing outside the EEA, We will ensure that the recipient of Your personal information provides an appropriate level of protection. This assurance may involve measures such as adopting standard contractual clauses for personal information transfer, as endorsed by the European Commission, or seeking Your explicit consent for such international data transfers.

For clarity, this section is not applicable to the data that Our SaaS customers upload to Our systems.

10. Region-Specific Terms

10.1 EEA, United Kingdom and Switzerland

The following terms supplement the Policy with respect to our processing of EEA, Swiss, and U.K. personal data. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the other parts of the Policy and the terms of this Section 10.1, Section 10.1 shall govern and prevail with regard to the processing of EEA, Swiss, and U.K. personal data, to the extent applicable. In limited circumstances, where Salted processes Your personal data as a data controller, You are entitled to certain privacy rights under certain circumstances: (a) Right of access (b) Right to rectification (c) Right to erasure (Right to be forgotten) (d) Right of restriction of processing (e) Right to data portability (f) Right to object (g) Right to access details around any automated individual decision-making, including profiling*. Salted does not engage in any automated decision making, including profiling. If You wish to exercise any of these privacy rights under GDPR, or if You need further information regarding those privacy rights, please contact Us at

10.2 California

These supplementary disclosures specifically pertain to California residents and are applicable solely to individuals residing in California. The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA") grants additional rights related to information access, deletion, and opting out. It mandates businesses that collect or disclose personal data to inform California residents of their rights and the available avenues for exercising them.

Users of Salted services who process personal information while using Salted services may fall under the classification of "Businesses" according to the CCPA. The primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with relevant data protection laws, including the CCPA, rests with these Businesses. Salted functions as a "Service Provider," as defined in the current version of the CCPA, in relation to the handling of personal information within Our services. Consequently, Salted collects, accesses, maintains, uses, processes, and transfers the personal information of Our Users and their end-users exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling Our contractual obligations to Our Users. This is done with no commercial intent other than the performance of these obligations and the enhancement of the services We provide.

We refrain from "selling" personal information of our Users, as per the CCPA definition. However, We may share aggregated and/or anonymized information related to the use of our Service(s) with third parties. This information, not falling under the CCPA's classification of personal information, is shared to aid in the development and enhancement of our services. The objective is to provide our Users with more pertinent content and service offerings, in accordance with the specifications outlined in our subscriber agreements.

Subject to certain limitations, the CCPA provides You the right to request:

(a) That We provide You access to details on the categories or specific pieces of personal information We collect about You.

(b) That We delete any of your personal information; and

(c) To not be discriminated against for exercising any of the above rights.

If You would like to request that we exercise Your California privacy rights under the CCPA, please send Us an email We will verify Your request using information associated with Your account, including Your email address. Further identification may be required. You may also designate an authorized representative to act on Your behalf.

11. Changes To This Policy, Your Acceptance and Contact

We may change this Privacy Policy as We may deem necessary from time to time, or as may be required by law. Your continued use of Our Sites after any changes or revisions to this Policy indicates Your agreement to the terms of the revised Privacy Policy. We recommend that You check this page regularly to keep up-to-date.

By using Our Sites, You express Your agreement with the terms and conditions detailed in this Policy. If You disagree with Our terms and conditions, it is recommended to refrain from any further use of Our Sites. Additionally, continuing to use Our Sites after updates or modifications to Our terms and conditions have been posted indicates Your acknowledgment and acceptance of those changes.

Should You have any inquiries regarding this Policy or how We handle Your data, feel free to reach out to us at

For general questions, You may contact us at:

Salted a.s.
Antala Staska 34
140 00 Prague 4
Czech Republic